FSC Netherlands and FSC Denmark are working on an ambitious initiative to increase the amount of wood from sustainably managed forests in social housing. HOME for the future is part of the EU LIFE programme. FSC collaborates with Centrum Hout, Lister Buildings, TBI Woonlab, TU Delft and VIA University College. The initiative is co-funded by the Precious Forests Foundation.
The project encompasses a variety of activities: improve the position of wood as a building material in legislation, increase the knowledge about building with wood in the construction sector, produce life cycle assessments (LCAs) and product cards (EPDs) that are added to the National Environmental Database. Furthermore, we develop tools to better map the costs and climate benefits of building with timber.
HOME for the future stimulates the use of certified timber in the social housing sector. Building with responsibly sourced wood contributes to the Paris climate goals. The aim is to increase timber construction to approximately 1 in 6 new homes (15%).
In addition to FSC Netherlands and FSC Denmark, the following organizations participate in the project: Centrum Hout, Lister Buildings, TBI Woonlab, TU Delft, VIA University College and a resonance group of 9 housing corporations: Wooninvest, Eigen Haard, Thuis, De Alliantie, Ymere, Parteon, Vidomes, Antares and Kleurrijk Wonen.
There is growth potential regarding wood harvest in European forests. According to professor Nabuurs (Wageningen University) this is 15% in current forests. In addition, there is a potential for increased forest area.
We encourage construction companies and social housing corporations to build more with wood. Do you want more information about building with wood, or do you want to highlight a project? Please contact us to discuss opportunities.
Contact Michelle Stede (m.stede@fsc.nl) for more information and subscribe to our newsletter.